Blog Posts

Master Your Hormones and Nervous System

Aug 21, 2024

Do you ever wonder why no matter how hard you try: nothing seems to change for you?

Do you ever wonder why every time you seem to gain some momentum: you end up right back where you always were?

Do you sometimes feel like: your goals are impossible to reach?

Because I know this feeling ALL TOO WELL!

For so long, I oscillated between overeating and restricting my eating in an unhealthy way 

I lived in extremes. Crazy workouts, minimal caloric intake one week; over eating, and laying on the couch every day the next. I wanted to feel confident in my body so badly. I wanted to break this cycle I had been living in for years. 

And I tried EVERYTHING: paleo, keto, tracking my macros, CrossFit, HIIT, personal trainers… you name it, I tried it! And I would get results…but they wouldn’t last. Nothing I tried, created sustainable change. I ended up right back where I started.

And after battling this for years and finally having enough; I got curious about what was causing these cyclical habits. 

I wondered, “What is going on beneath the surface, that is causing this behavior?” and the more I researched, I realized that these patterns were a result of two things: 

1. Dysregulated Hormones.

2. A Dysregulated Nervous System.

I noticed that a LOT of my extreme habits synced up with certain times of my menstrual cycle. I noticed that something would come over me at certain phases in my cycle- where I simply could NOT control my eating or workout schedule.

I also noticed that my habits were related to my emotional states (AKA my nervous system). 

When I would experience negative and unwanted emotions like stress, sadness, or frustration, I realized it had a massive influence on my dietary and exercise choices. 

And I found that when I started to track my hormones and emotional states, I could predict when certain habits around eating and exercise would present themselves. 

So I began to tune in to the various phases of my hormone cycle (there are 4 phases by the way!) and the different emotional states I experienced on a daily basis. I began to track my tendencies during these times and realized what my patterns were. 

I studied hormones, and the nervous system, and began to go deep into my body. I wanted to be someone with healthy eating habits as a LIFESTYLE- not as a matter of forcing myself to do so. 

Slowly, I started to develop a close relationship with my hormone cycle as a woman. The nuances of each phase. What my body craved as a means to survive, vs. what it craved as a means to feel deeply nourished. I became aware of what my body thought it wanted in the moment, versus what it truly needed, deep down. 

I began to sit in practice with my nervous system. Regularly dedicating time each and every day to calm down. To find stillness. To remember, that it is, in fact, going to be ok.

When I shifted my focus from simply, “losing weight” to how I felt internally, I began to experience the results that I wanted. 

I went from prioritizing LOOKING GOOD on the outside to FEELING GOOD on the inside. 

And from this place, I began to feel control over my behavior.

I began to feel like I had a sense of agency again. 

I began to feel like I was truly in control of my choices, and not some external force overcoming my behavior.

And it is THIS that I want to teach you. 

It is THIS that I want to share with you. 

It is exactly this method that I want to introduce so that you can reach your health goals.

Join my 7-day workshop:

Heal Your Nervous System, Heal Your Health.

You can join with this link!